Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Report: The Rich Get Richer

Yes The Rich Get Richer...according to the 12th Word Wealth Report relases by Merril Lynch and Capgemini Company
1-Global HNWI(HIGH NET WORTH INDIVIDULAS) wealth totaled US$40.7 trillion gain by 10.1 million individuals worldwide,projected to reach US$59.1 trillion by 2012.
2- in M.East 400.000 individulas gain US$1.7 trillion projected to reach US$3.4 trillion by 2012.(UAE 79thousand individulas gain US$91 millar ,saudiarbia 101thousand individulas gain US$182 millar
3- 15 % of them in M East spend money in exp. car and jewellerys and private jet and exp. watch.....and realestate....
I keep the comment and conculsion to whom concern
...and for more deatls click the link or copy to your browser