Sunday, November 07, 2010

Samsung launching the next Google Phone on the 8th 11

By Christopher Dawson | November 6, 2010, 7:58pm PDT Not only is Samsung preparing the next Google phone, but rumor has it that it’s going to be running the newest version of Android too — 2.3 (Gingerbread).
I am thinking it would make sense if Google released the Gingerbread SDK sometime before the 8th though — you know developers are itching to get their hands on the new operating system. Developers attending PDC were all given a free Windows Phone 7 device today, and things in that space have quite a lot of buzz at the moment. If Google was smart, they would hold a press conference to defuse any kind of momentum Microsoft may be getting.
The new version of Android is said to have a ton of user experience related updates — something I have been waiting for since version 1. Android has always felt a bit unpolished to me — though each release has got better for sure.
One more interesting question that is left unanswered is whether Samsung is actually going to use Google’s new and improved user interface, or if they are going to stick to their guns and have their own custom theme. Either way, I can’t wait for November 8th to see what they’ve got up their sleeve.

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